Ethiopia Uraga Green Beans


Ethiopia is considered the origin of coffee, beans from this region are often rich and fruity. This offering from Sidamo is no exception. Available in 1KG lots.

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Ethiopa – Uraga
Grown: 1950 to 2250 meters above sea level
Variety: Heirloom
Processing Method: Natural
Harvest Period: November — March

Roaster notes:


Do you like the taste of grass? Okay then, go forth and enjoy your cup of freshly mowed lawn…

You have be warned. These little beans are reasonably high density, going light will give you nothing but grassy notes.

If you really want to stick to a light profile, then go hard with heat early. Reducing down to a medium heat just before yellowing, and holding a good amount of development prior to first crack will start to tweak out some of the fruit that makes these beans special.

This is the perfect roast depth (in our opinion) for this bean!

A generous amount of heat early on will really set you you up for success.

Come into first crack with another whack of high heat, then ease up quickly to slow the development time down. Going for something around 12% to 17% will yield wonderful results in the cup!

Nope, not worth it.

Plain and simple.

If you must go down this dark route, keep the roast moving quickly.

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